Sunday, June 14, 2015

Welcome to my world!

I am so excited to welcome you to my new blog. The Circadian Soapbox is where I will be actively voicing my opinions. It all started with some of my posts on Facebook. So many people comment that I should be a writer. Little do they know that I did used to be a freelance writer but life started to get in the way of me doing what I enjoyed doing most. Facebook became a captive audience for my ramblings and I began to write again. I love writing. I used to love fiction writing but as I have gotten older and more experienced in life, I realized that I really love voicing my opinion and writing my thoughts down. Of course I try to be respectful and "PC". I have opinions about a lot of different types of topics so I think this blog should end up being very dynamic. I also respect others' opinions as well.

My goal with this blog is to comment on whatever tickles my fancy each day. It may be a random thought. It might be based on a meme I saw on Facebook or some other social site, It might be based on something in current events. I do not often get political or overly religious because those topics can be fodder for real animosity and I don't want to rock the boat that badly. I just want to calmly express my opinion and encourage a discussion.

If you enjoy reading what I have to say, please share my blog with whomever you like, follow me, comment, or just come back yourself when you want to read more. :) I try to keep things fairly upbeat and positive, though sometimes I do get pretty passionate and ticked off too.  I am human. Yes. Yes I am.

So on that note. Welcome. Welcome.

Getting off my soapbox now

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